How to change Supremo options using a command line
The command line is a useful tool for automating the setting of certain Supremo parameters both on Windows and macOS.
You can follow these simple steps to change the Supremo options.
Start a command prompt with administrative privileges from the folder that contains the Supremo executable, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo
Then type the command of the desired function and press enter.
Start a remote connection
- option 1: Supremo.exe ID
entering the password when the popup window appears.
- option 2: Supremo.exe ID Password
The abovementioned strings can be alternatively used with or without administrative privileges.
Entering a secondary password
echo mypassword | Supremo.exe -set-password
replacing mypassword with the desired secondary password
Entering the license code
echo XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX | Supremo.exe -set-license
by replacing XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX with the desired license code
Remove license code
Supremo.exe -remove-license
Configure language
Supremo.exe /set-language ‘en’ | ‘it’ | ‘es’ | ‘ru’ | ‘pt’ | ‘br’ | ‘fr’ | ‘pl’ | ‘de’ | ‘bg’ | ‘bs’ | ‘ca’ | ‘cs’ | ‘el’ | ‘et’ | ‘hi’ | ‘hr’ | ‘hu’ | ‘hy’ | ‘ja’ | ‘lt’ | ‘nl’ | ‘no’ | ‘ro’ | ‘sl’ | ‘sv’ | ‘uk’ | ‘zh-Hans’ | ‘zh-Hant’
Connection confirmation request
Supremo.exe -ask-authorization 0|1 [or alternatively from version 4.8.4 Supremo.exe -request-user-authorization 0|1]
- 0 disables the connection confirmation request
- 1 enables it
To change the duration of “Request user authorization” (default is 30 and maximum is 300 seconds):
Supremo.exe -display-request-for value
To allow authorization after timeout request:
Supremo.exe -allow-after-request-timeout 0|1
Choice of Update Channel
Supremo.exe -update-channel default|stable|beta
- stable selects the stable channel
- beta selects the beta channel
- default selects the channel of the used version (Stable or Beta)
Enabling or disabling automatic installation of new versions
Supremo.exe -update-autoinstall off|all
- off disables automatic update
- all enables it
Enabling or disabilng the Supremo startup at the system boot
Supremo.exe -servicesetup
It enables the “Start Supremo at system boot (unattended access)” feature
net stop SupremoService
SupremoService.exe /uninstall /silent
It disables the feature
Enabling the password protecting the configuration of Supremo options
echo mypasswordconfiguration | Supremo.exe -set-configuration-password
Setting password strength or disabling password
Supremo.exe -password-strength 6|8|10|disabled
Add password
echo password | Supremo.exe -add-password description
Set Allowed IDs
Supremo.exe -set-whitelist 123456789,987654321,012345678,…
Remove Allowed IDs
Supremo.exe -remove-whitelist
Enable feature “Close to tray menu”
Supremo.exe -close-to-tray 0|1
Enable feature “Show notes window after each session”
Supremo.exe -show-notes-after-session 0|1
Enable multisession support
Supremo.exe -enable-multisession 0|1
Configuring the Computer Name
Supremo.exe -set-computer-name XXXXXXX
Note: please use strings that consist of 1 to 50 characters. The allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, hyphen, underscore, curly braces, tilde, parentheses, and the special characters “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, and “&”.>
Configuring Proxy options
Supremo.exe -set-proxy-mode None|Automatic|Manual
If “Manual” is selected you also need to setup:
- Supremo.exe /set-proxy-mode Manual /set-proxy-type Secure|Http /set-proxy-address address /set-proxy-port port
if you also need to setup Username and Password:
- echo password | Supremo.exe /set-proxy-mode Manual /set-proxy-type Secure|Http /set-proxy-address address /set-proxy-port port /set-proxy-username username /set-proxy-password
Enable option “Run Supremo under SYSTEM account”
Supremo.exe -run-as-sys 0|1
Start a connection from command line sending the 2FA code
Supremo.exe <id> <password> <totp>
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo\Supremo.exe” 234123444 qwerty 563245
Enable/Disable 2FA
– Enable (encoded secret code will be written to STDOUT)
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo\Supremo.exe” /enable-2fa
You can create a batch file with the following strings to visually see the STDOUT:
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo\Supremo.exe" /enable-2fa') do (
echo Encoded secret is: %ENCODED_SECRET%
– Disable
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo\Supremo.exe” /disable-2fa
Obtaining the Supremo ID via command line
(ID will be written to STDOUT)
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo\Supremo.exe” /get-id
You can create a batch file with the following strings to visually see the STDOUT:
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo\Supremo.exe" /get-id') do (
set SUPREMO_ID=%%i
echo Supremo ID is: %SUPREMO_ID%
Start a remote connection
- /Applications/ RemoteID
- /Applications/ RemoteID Password
Entering a secondary password
echo PASSWORD | /Applications/ -set-password
Entering the license code
echo XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX | /Applications/ -set-license
by replacing XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX with the desired license code
Remove license code
/Applications/ -remove-license
Configure language
/Applications/ -set-language ‘en’ | ‘it’ | ‘es’ | ‘ru’ | ‘pt’ | ‘br’ | ‘fr’ | ‘pl’ | ‘de’ | ‘bg’ | ‘bs’ | ‘ca’ | ‘cs’ | ‘el’ | ‘et’ | ‘hi’ | ‘hr’ | ‘hu’ | ‘hy’ | ‘ja’ | ‘lt’ | ‘nl’ | ‘no’ | ‘ro’ | ‘sl’ | ‘sv’ | ‘uk’ | ‘zh-Hans’ | ‘zh-Hant’
Connection confirmation request
/Applications/ -ask-authorization 0|1
To change the duration of “Request user authorization” (default is 30 and maximum is 300 seconds):
/Applications/ -display-request-for value
To allow authorization after timeout request:
/Applications/ -allow-after-request-timeout 0|1
Choice of Update Channel
/Applications/ -update-channel Beta/Stable
Enabling or disabling automatic installation of new versions
/Applications/ -update-autoinstall off|all
Enabling the password protecting the configuration of Supremo options
echo PASSWORD | /Applications/ -set-configuration-password
Setting password strength or disabling password
/Applications/ -password-strength 6|8|10|disabled
Set Allowed IDs
/Applications/ -set-whitelist 123456789,987654321,012345678,…
Enable feature “Show notes window after each session”
/Applications/ -show-notes-after-session 0|1
Configuring the Computer Name
/Applications/ -set-computer-name XXXXXXX
Note: please use strings that consist of 1 to 50 characters. The allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, hyphen, underscore, curly braces, tilde, parentheses, and the special characters “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, and “&”.>
Add password
echo PASSWORD | /Applications/ -add-password
Start a connection from command line sending the 2FA code
/Applications/ <id> <password> <totp>
/Applications/ 234123444 qwerty 563245
Enable/Disable 2FA
– Enable (encoded secret code will be written to STDOUT)
/Applications/ -enable-2fa
– Disable
/Applications/ -disable-2fa
Obtaining the Supremo ID via command line
(ID will be written to STDOUT)
/Applications/ -get-id