Supremo: privacy policy
For the users of Supremo
Users Privacy is essential for Nanosystems S.r.l.; this means, first of all, to ensure that you’re able to know exactly how data are used and collected, for what purpose, and, above all, that you are provided with all relevant information to make the right choice in the use of our assistance service.
This privacy policy provides information about the personal data collected from Nanosystems S.r.l. when the user interacts with the product hereinafter referred as Supremo and, consequently, the way in which such data are used.
Desideriamo informarti che Nanosystems s.r.l., seguendo i principi definiti dal Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 (anche noto come GDPR) e dal Capo II, Titolo I del D.Lgs. 196/2003, come modificato dal D.Lgs. 101/2018 (“Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”) prevede la protezione dei tuoi dati personali durante il trattamento; per questo motivo, il trattamento dei dati personali avverrà in modo corretto, lecito e trasparente per tutelare la tua privacy e i tuoi diritti.
By accepting terms and general conditions of the contract and by the execution of the product Supremo, you acknowledge to have been informed on the processing of the personal data you freely provide and of the data related to the connection, following the procedure and the limits contained in this policy.
Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali
Nanosystems S.r.l. with C.F. e VAT No.: IT01085650446 with its registered office at Via del Commercio 76/A-Ascoli Piceno (AP), 63100, Italy, ph. n.: +390736341316; you may contact at any time to receive any further clarification about policies adopted by our company on data protection.
Categoria di dati raccolti
- Personal Data provided by the data subject that are necessary to finalize the contract: your personal data, your address, your invoicing data, your email address. In case of refusal of providing such data, will result in the non-execution, partial execution of the contract/failure or partial operability of Supremo.
- Data related to service log;
- ID of the subject making the connection and the ID of the subject thar receives the connection;
- IP of the subject making the connection and the IP of the subject thar receives the connection;
- Beginning of the control session (data and time – Greenwich Mean Time [GMT]);
- End of the control session (data and time – Greenwich Mean Time [GMT]);
- License code, if the service is paid for.
- ID of the PC connection;
- Purchase number.
- Personal Data freely provided by the data subject when signing up that are marked as optional: other email address and contact details. You are free to refuse to provide such data, without any consecuence on the availability of the service or of its functioning.
Finalità del trattamento dei dati raccolti
Both Personal Data freely provided and Personal Data necessary for the use of the product Supremo will be processed following the contractual needed and the consequent fulfillment coming from these, as well as for an efficient management of the relationship and security reasons; in particular for:
- Improving quality of our services;
- Verify the correct functioning of the product;
- Compliance to the civil, tax and accounting laws;
- Administrative management of the relationship;
- Fulfillment of the contractual obligations;
- Archive management;
- Correspondence management;
- Seguire le eventuali richieste dell’Autorità Giudiziaria.
The anonymous data will be processed with statistical purposes.
Modalità di elaborazione dei dati
Il trattamento e l’archiviazione dei dati saranno effettuati con l’ausilio di strumenti informatici, in modo da garantire l’integrità, la sicurezza e la privacy.
Data collected during the connection to the product Supremo, with the exception of the license code, will be immediately pseudonymized, if it will be necessary processing the data for the purposes of the point 7) above, such data will be ascribed to the single person through the additional information stored by the Personal Data Controller separately. All Data collected during the connection to the product Supremo, will be stored for no more than 72 months and, after such period, they will be definitively anonymized.
Data collected for statistical purposes will be immediately pseudonymized and transmitted to Google Analytics, but will not be identifiables nor usables by third parties because these are not traceable and it is impossible to link them to our database/eCommerce.
Personal Data freely provided will be processed for the duration of the contract and after such period, for no more than 12 months; then, data will be anonymized.
All collected data are stored on servers located in the European Union.
Supremo is not intended for users minor of 18 years and the personal Data Controller do not collect intentionally personal information related to minors. Should information on minors of 14 years (minimim age to express the consent to personal data processing according to D.Lgs. n. 101/2018) be accidentally registered, the Data Controller will promptly erase them, when the latter becomes aware or by simple request of who exercises the parental authority on such minor.
Esercizio dei diritti da parte dell’interessato
Ai sensi dell’art. 13.2 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679, l’interessato può, in qualsiasi momento, esercitare i seguenti diritti: chiedere al titolare del trattamento l’accesso ai Dati Personali, la rettifica, la cancellazione, la limitazione, l’opposizione al trattamento, la portabilità dei dati e proporre reclamo a un’autorità di controllo.